Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review For Grant

For this post I did a peer review activity for Grant in my section (8).

Grant Williams, here is his project production schedule. I performed a resource recommendation for his project (activity 4).

I am familiar with the podcast genre since I just did mine, and it's similar to the video essay because they both have audio- therefore, I feel comfortable giving him some resources or advice. 

I found good audio on, the music was not cheesy, it was actual songs from bands that are maybe less mainstream. I think you could find some good audio to incorporate because I know your project 3 has to do with music, specifically. If you need to record your own voice, but don't want to film video, the recording devices found downstairs at the library surprisingly record really great and catch your voice even if you're a few feet away (they're also easy to use). I also suggest using or garage band and imovie to keep track of your own audio files for the video essay. 

I really like how in your production schedule you're changing up your location, especially if you plan on filming in different areas, it's cool to have a different scenery and see what places look best for the video and have options. Also, cool how you're going to utilize KAMP radio on campus, I would not have thought about that. I might take away from your project, and use it for my own if I can, breaking up my week schedule by a chunk of days, rather than determining a slew of things to be accomplished on solely Monday because that might be putting too much pressure on me. 

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