Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

My outline is kind of messy, there are a lot of ideas tossed around, I definitely need to work on the organization of my thoughts and how that'll change essay layout. Here's a gist of it:


-Sexuality and Sex ed Background in America

-Things that have a negative impact on teen girls
-Peggy's Book: GIrls & Sex

Thesis: The conversation of sex, especially in regards to female sexuality, needs to change. There needs to be a shift in concern for girls because they've been mislead, as a result of America's societal and cultural pressures and misconceptions.

--I've found multiple perspectives and I think they show the discouragement of exploring sexuality, or at least disagree that the sex talk in regards to female sexuality needs to transform; either they're against Peggy's reasons, or believe the conversation doesn't need to transform at all.--

1st body: 

- people are so uncomfortable with discussing healthy sex and sexuality; the fact that it is so taboo in America compared to the rest of the world should signal that something is not right.
-Introduce Peggy's book, "Girls & Sex"
-discuss society's problem/the misconceptions by/with social media, pornography, and how sex and body image are portrayed and the impact it has on women 
       -the generation's hookup culture, apps like tinder
-Why the sex conversation is important: to ensure that girls realize that finding what they want during intimate times with someone, will help them learn and care about themselves and foster the growth of a healthier, happier, individual.
--- why it's good for the future

3rd body:

-Some people think that talking about sex (predominantly with adolescents), while placing emphasis on how girls can and should communicate their desires or learning what they want out of intimate times, so they can have equality or feel better/empowered, doesn't need to happen. 

-Some people are anti-enlightening, positive sex talk because they are advocates of abstinence-only sex Ed. In addition to those opposers, there are people who want to bury the idea of adolescent sex at all, and want to cut funding or stop funding organizations like Planned Parenthood. These conservative voices claim that these honest and positive sex talks could lead to increased promiscuity or sex in teens and not necessarily responsible, healthy choices.

**need to find leaders that think this
-Show NPR comments, then refute them w sources

"People need to be a little patient. Eventually teens will grow up and discover female sexuality on their own"
  • What about now? Forget the future, teens need to learn now about the importance of communication and equality during intimate times, in order to avoid the negative consequences. 
"Sex education is fine, I was taught about diseases, pregnancy, and rape. Women have had nothing but positive messages about their sexuality for the past 30 years, these women's issues are over, this is anti male nonsense"
"these girls need to be taught about having respect for themselves, not gaining respect through reciprocation."
  • use Peggy's book, or other source to prove that girl's do not feel this way and that those topics are not the only things that need to be discussed in sex-ed. 
  • Planned Parenthood research 
  • America compared to other countries academic journal article 
  • Tie into how how America not only needs to change the sex conversation in order to move forward, but needs to talk about sex in general... that only talking about sex fosters mental health for adolescents, and also physical health and prevention of sexual health risks 


Touch on some main points:

    -sex is often discussed as solely a way to reproduce, or taught in school that it will give you STDs and STIs, god forbid we act like teens don't do it with other intentions... Pleasure is never spoken about, which can make teens feel ashamed and wrong in regards to engaging in sexual activities.
-Peggy's book isnt saying "go have more sex" or "im upset youre having bad sex" 
-it's about female empowerment and the psychological and physical repercussions for women if we don't teach adolescents about sex and scratch more than just the surface 

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