Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review (2) for Cheyenne Garcia

For this blog post I will be discussing the Peer Review I did for Cheyenne from section 6. I really am intrigued by her public argument because I care a lot about her topic, and it reminds me of my own argument.

Cheyenne Garcia's Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3 

For peer review I did activity 1. brainstorming for rhetorical analysis of project 3. I think Cheyenne has a good grasp on project 3 according to her rhetorical analysis. This is evident because she picked a specific event to ground her argument, the case of a former Stanford swimmer accused of rape, which allows her to extend a discussion on "consent." I think this can be conveyed strongly in a video essay if she follows well-executed examples, because certain music can be used which will add to emotional appeals. The Student's Guide suggests to explain your opinion rather than just saying, "I liked this ___". I think my comments were constructive criticism, rather than compliments. One area Cheyenne can improve is the section on preconceptions. You might consider changing this: "I feel there's a debate between the girl and the guys side when talking about consent" because that is a little unclear to me. When considering a situation of rape, it truly depends on what the people involved have to say, but it's not always a girl and a guy, there are same-sex rape situations, too, to consider. Also, your argument's purpose might want to extend to highlighting society's issue of people lying about rape and who defends who (i.e. college sports coaches or the college itself, for reputation reasons), etc. I admire how clear and thorough your report is, that is going to really help organize your video essay. I think I can take a tip from you because I tend to reach for way too many ideas, so I'm going to try to make my project stay on topic and not veer.

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