Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review 11a for Mike

For this blog post I reviewed for Mike from my class. He is doing a podcast, and I just finished one for project 2 so I think I can maybe offer him some advice. He has a really important and interesting topic; I recently had some hacking of my apple ID and verizon account and still need to change a bunch of passwords, so I should probably pay attention..

I took a look at Mike Duffek's production report 11b, and he linked a bit of his audio that he adapted from his outline: Audio Link and decided to perform activity 6, form.  

The Student's Guide readings suggest that reviewers say more than just "I liked the project" and offer an explanation for why I liked it. I think Mike's podcast is coming together really well. From the start, his voice sounds unique, controlled and conversational. I remember being very worried about how "professional" my podcast was going to sound, and I think I honestly needed to just be more natural, which Mike does a good job at. Also, I think this part of his audio does reveal just how much random, personal information people and agencies can get ahold of and potentially use it against you, which aids your argument. 

Little things Mike could change that would highly improve his podcast is if he slows down his speech at some points and if he could make it just a little louder. And I think you can get your point across without keeping the whole excerpt, it might be kind of long. Also, the addition of music would make his audio sound a lot more entertaining (which I'm sure he will do eventually, but this is just some rough-cut audio). It's a good start though!

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