Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

The footage released by the Center for Medical Progress shows the young and experienced Dr. Deborah Nucatola meeting two, unbeknownst to her, purporting, biotech employees on July 25th, 2014 in Norwalk, California. Southeast of downtown Los Angeles, exists the industrial, working class suburban city of Norwalk. The business trio went for a covert lunch conference at a relatively busy restaurant within the area.

The modern bistro is inviting, with two vast, glassy walls showcasing several bottles of wine adjacent to the entry. The glass entry doors each have a slim, metal handle affixed from top to bottom. Once you are through the sleek portal, a modern dining area is before you. It is occupied by chattering customers, who are hungry and ready to satiate. The mix of casually and formally clad guests are surrounded by simplistic, white walls, making for a comfortable atmosphere. Jazzing up the environment, are a few large, brassy columns that stretch from the lofty ceiling. A number of linear suspended fixtures dangle in uniform, but they are dimmed. Instead, the eatery relies on outdoor daylight. Peeking through the thinly draped windows, the sun illuminates various faces and meals set on the reflective tabletops. Atop the counters, there is the nimble clanking of silverware on the ceramic, ivory plates. Amongst the crowd, there is talk, ranging from small to meaningful. The restaurant’s noise is appropriate, any louder or softer, and business might deter. The hospitable experience is enhanced when the sophisticatedly dressed waiters and waitresses perform their service. As they carry various cuisine through the torsion of parties, an unforgettable aroma is synthesized. While many peoples' agenda is to nosh and enjoy, a section of the audience ensues in a plot to record a frank discussion and turn it into a conviction. 

Sullivan, Jon. "glass of white wine," 9/1/2009, via public domain image. Public Domain License

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