Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer 1 Review

I read and graded Grant's QRG draft for peer review for this blog post. He has a great first draft. I really liked his details and descriptive vocab and he made the event really interesting. I think he just needs to add some graphics and come up with an intriguing main title. 

For my QRG, after looking at Grant's, I think I will go back and determine the best way to organize my paragraphs so there's continuity and it's all relevant. Also, he kept his bias' out of it, which is something I need to work on. His piece is really concise and trimmed down paragraphs; I know that I need to cut out a lot of words so my QRG is more of a "quick reference" and not an essay... I really struggle with writing TOO MUCH, it's something I'm working on as a writer. 

Gibbs, Richard. "Revision" 1/6/14, via 64 oz Games. CC0 Public Domain

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