Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

  1. For this blog post, I will be reviewing the social media personas of my two interviewees. Patricia MacCorquodale is on linkedin and facebook. Monica J. Casper is on facebook, linkedin and youtube. 

    How would you describe each interviewee's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.

    • MacCorquodale is not very public on social media, she has a few family photos on facebook, and her linkedin lists her credentials and research. She has some of her favorite quotes posted on facebook in her info about life/growth and experience. She also belongs to a book store group, UA Honors Student Council group, and mentions UA in her checkins and workplace. 
      • She has a professional social media presence, but also shares some personal things like family pictures and status'. 
      • Also, posts on her wall + quotes make it seem like she's very liberal, i.e. post about marriage equality and human rights.

    • Casper is very active on social media. On her facebook, I discovered where she writes by looking at the first post! (Don't need to ask that in our interview, I guess!) She is very family-oriented, into arts and crafts, books, photography, nature, publicly supports human rights/social movements (i.e. "black lives matter") and planned parenthood, likes elephants, cares about traveling and animals.. I can tell she is a very passionate person and writes as well as posts on issues that are important to her. 
      • Her youtube is TheFeministWire, for the feminist magazine she is managing editor of
      • Casper remains professional on her linkedin, and looks like she can change with the times, meaning she seems updated with her social media and in the know.

    MacCorquodale- Since she is not very active on social media sites, her persona remains professional. 
    Casper- The issues she writes about are the same, however, her language is different in her academic journals.

    splitshire. "person apple laptop notebook" 2/2/14, via pexels. CC0 License

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