Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Big Event

Here is a detailed account of the event my project is concerned with after heavily researching for facts and different stories.

AntanO. "Lens (with image sensor) of Mini Camcorder" 2/2/15, via wikipedia. CC BY-SA 3.0

On July 14th, 2015, David Daleiden, pious, pro-life founder of the "Center for Medical Progress" (CMP), released hidden camera footage that showed a dubious interaction with a prominent figure of the Planned Parenthood organization in a devoted blogpost on their non-profit webpage. The secret video was taken on July 25th, 2014 at a lunch meeting between Deborah Nucatola (Head Doctor of Planned Parenthood) and two people posing as buyers from a biotech company, "Fetal Tissue Procurement Company" (actually investigators from the Center for Medical Progress), but it was released on their blog and posted for the public on youtube a year later. The late upload was due to the fact that the CMP's investigative journalism study on Planned Parenthood (The Human Capital project), which the video was apart of, was not completed yet. In,"Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts," from what the video appears to be showing, Nucatola is casually conversing on the subject of prices for organs and tissue from fetus'. Nucatola's tone seems nonchalant, and she is shown taking sips of her red wine as she explains the process of buying tissue and what it costs. The buyers seem to be listening, more than chatting, and although you cannot see the expressions on their faces, their verbal reactions to what Nucatola says seem composed. The video also shows Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, seemingly thanking the fake biotech employees, in addition to snippets from a 2000 ABC 20/20 interview, written slides with a white font on black citing federal laws on the trafficking of body parts, and other elements that may be taken out of context. The edited, misleading video was the first footage to become public, in the grand, ongoing effort by the anti-abortion group, CMP, to discredit Planned Parenthood. The CMP's 9 minute, illusive video aims to reveal what they believe to be the true agenda of Planned Parenthood: To profit from the blackmarket sale of unborn-baby's body parts.

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