Friday, March 11, 2016

Reflection on production

Audience Questions

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

I thought I had a good grasp on the project until I realized I was focusing too much on my interviewee's rather than genre examples. I got really stressed with time and I wish I started earlier on the week with the genre examples but I pushed it back because I was sort of overwhelmed and had a lot of work from my other classes as well.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

It will consist of catching up honestly
How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

Stressed and overthinking. Slightly worried because I didn't know how difficult it would be to make a podcast

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