Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review For Bianca Aguilar

For this blog post, I did a peer review for Bianca Aguilar from section 4.

I reviewed Bianca Aguilar's project for the peer review.
For Bianca's project I selected activity #3- copy editing suggestion:
  • One thing that might be of use for Bianca is if she played with language. The podcast needs to be easy to follow, but tone and language make it a lot more interesting. I notice that she says "um," "more," and "a lot" often that are less descriptive and sort of general. This could easily be fixed once music or audio transitions are encorporated. Or- I think her piece could benefit from transitions by certain words, or synonyms so it is smoother and entertaining for the listeners.
  • I think my advice can help Bianca have a better grasp on the podcast genre for her project. I, too, did a podcast, and know how hard it was to get across all the elements required.
  • One thing I liked about Bianca's podcast was that it was a true conversation, it did not seem super scripted, she was talking to her audience and that made it easier to follow. I feel like parts of my podcast would be better if I sounded less scripted and directly communicated to the audience more, like Bianca.

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