Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report

For this blog post, I will discuss changes I made in my podcast project. I have an example from my rough draft compared to its re-edited/revised version.

Rough Cut:

Here is what my original transcript had, before I edited it:

"My name’s Veronica Funess and I reached out to four academics here at the U of A, for their expertise in gender and women’s studies, so I could familiarize myself with two specific genres that professionals encounter which are journal articles & novels"
"Probably the most common and effective genre to work with in my major is a Journal Article. However, that is not to say that it’s less exciting compared to other genres. It’s very popular for journal articles to be online instead of print; in fact, a librarian told me they moved all of their journals related to gender and women’s studies to e-file format. I asked Dr. Monica Casper what she thought about genre conventions in recent times, where technology is constantly changing the way we communicate and do anything. "

"--**monica’s answer about online articles + difference w feminist wire vs. print**"


My intro in the rough cut is not as smooth and I changed and added narration for my revised version.

1. In the revised version, I added music to the intro to make it engaging.
2. I also changed the dialogue by adding more genres to my podcast conversation, which was the essay and art.
2. The dialogue is different again because I ended up cutting out the part on the journal articles from my transcript because I didn't really agree with it anyways, and it kind of took away from other areas that were more important.
3. Additionally, I added a deeper discussion of the essay and journal article genres, talked about social media and conventions, and managed to keep Monica's dialogue from our interview that related to that. 

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