Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 2

For this blog post, I will discuss changes I made in my podcast project. I have an example from my rough draft compared to its re-edited/revised version. 

Rough Cut:

Revised Version:

In this version, I made some general changes to the audio and form of my podcast that I felt made my podcast come together, and become more of a legitimate podcast in terms of the conventions.

1. I did not have any music in my rough cut

2. In the rough cut, there are abrupt cuts/endings of audio which makes it choppy 

3. I did not have smooth transitions, and pauses were too long in my rough cut

4. The layout of my rough cut had me talking about a genre, an example, and my interviewees, without a friend to ask me questions and lead the conversation. Now, in the revised version, my friend asked me questions that guided the podcast for listeners, and is much easier to grasp and follow.

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