Friday, March 11, 2016

Production Report 8a

For this post I will discuss the production of my draft.

I was really stressing over choosing the "best" genres and examples. I wanted to use ones produced by my interviewees because the audio I have from them is really good. I realized I can't necessarily force my project in a certain direction just because of the info I already obtained, and that I'm going to need to cut things and add things in order to follow the project instructions. Also, the podcast genre is hard to work with for this specific project, but I'm trying to get a better grasp on things.

First, this is some of my outline:

-Introduce the Genre
-Give one concrete example (could be one produced by the interviewee)
-Explain elements of example to show Rhetorical Situation


Probably the most common and effective genre to work with in my major is a Journal Article. However, that is not to say that it’s less exciting compared to other genres. It’s very popular for journal articles to be online instead of print; in fact, a librarian told me they moved all of their journals related to gender and women’s studies to e-file format. I asked Dr. Monica Casper what she thought about genre conventions in recent times, where technology is constantly changing the way we communicate and do anything.
--**monica’s answer**


- Who the author is then what goes into creating it 
1.the research 2. type of media 3. its purpose 4. the audience


Here is some dialogue from my transcript for the podcast. It is my typed conversation with Alex which discusses my first genre, the journal article, and the specific example article I selected:

Alex: “What specific journal article do you have for our discussion?”
Me: “I chose one by Monica Casper. She is a professor of gender and women’s studies, and the associate dean for academic affairs of the college of social & behavioral sciences. She is also the co-editor of the online journal, the feminist wire, where she published ‘__’ It’s about___ Alex: “What’s Casper trying to accomplish with this piece? Me: “I think Casper’s goal in writing ___ is for people to ___” When I interviewed her about her writing process, she said she tends to write for people who will think and teach about the subjects in her articles…*insert monica’s answer saying “people who can perhaps produce policy that can affect women’s health and their lives…” Alex: “So what rhetorical strategies did she use to get her message across?” Me: “Monica definitely incorporates emotional appeals or pathos in her writing.” Alex “How can you tell that she uses pathos?” Me: “ By giving personal stories or emotionally compelling narratives in her article, she plays on the audience’s emotions” Alex: “Can you refer to a specific part in her article where that’s seen?” Me: “yes, she says, ‘___’ which, given her audience of activists and women, evokes ___ emotion in them. Alex: “Why is it important that Casper and other professionals in your field use the online journal as a medium?” Me: “Overall, Professionals in the GWS field use the journal article medium because of its flexible form and conventions. 1) It can be printed and found digitally across different publications. Online journal articles are more accessible and readers happen to be more receptive because it is easier and faster to communicate on an online platform --Segway for *monica’s answer about how her audience shares and comments* Since there are many controversies surrounding gender and women's issues, the audience and language are crucial for professionals to take into consideration. With the journal article genre, the tone and style of writing can change, such as from academic to personal depending on the writer. The flexibility is important because these professionals “place a lot of weight on their work’s ability to be read across audiences,” as professor Bill Simmons informed me.


The blank spots will be filled in when I mix together the audio

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