Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

I'll be comparing part of my rough cut with my revised copy of the final project. Still embarrassed :)

How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

In my rough copy I didn't give context about my project, in the final copy I added a slide that gave some background. I like it because it explains and makes things clearer for the audience

How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

In the final copy I added a slide with writing that changes the form because for the most part it was just a video of me talking; I think the slide makes my video more interesting and plays with the conventions

rough copy:

final copy:

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